  • Moscow
  • 15 July 2016, номер: 17740

Dried barberry

1 Р.



Select industry: Food industry feedstock 
Condition: New 
Additional Information: г. Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, д. 40, стр. 1 +7 (495) 363-16-82 8 (800) 100-15-16 
Barberry is a perennial spruce tree. The roots and kinks of barberry branches have a bright lemon color, which gives the shrub alkaloid berberine. In the food industry and cooking, ripe juicy red berries of barberry are used, which are rich in artichokes, sugar, pectin, malic, tartaric and citric acids, vitamin C. Jam is made from barberry berries, jellies, juices, syrups, sorbets are prepared, as well as add as a pleasant sour seasoning to spicy meat sauces. Dried barberries are a part of many national meat dishes and are used as a wonderful seasoning for many oriental dishes: kebabs, kebabs and even mutton broth, and powder from dried barberries is sometimes served separately for the finished dish. The properties of dried barberry are actively used not only in the food industry, medicine has acquired together with barberry an invaluable source of medicines. Barberry stimulates appetite, strengthens the heart muscle, has an antipyretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory and choleretic effect, activates the thyroid gland, sex hormones, nervous system, and pituitary gland. Traditional medicine is recommended to use barberry with high blood pressure, with kidney diseases, gallstone disease, hemorrhoids, as well as a tool against premature aging and cleansing blood.
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