Common reasons of Ads blocking

Remember that every ad, which you place within, is verified according to the rules of the internet resource. If your ad breaks the rules in some way, it will be blocked or rejected.

In case of the ad blocking, you cannot resolve this situation.

You need to address the moderator of the resource.
If there is a deviation, you can conduct an independent moderation and re-post it.
We list the most common reasons why your ads may not be placed under conditions:

  1. You place the same ads in one or more categories;
  2. You republish your ads before their expiry date;
  3. Multiple accounts are created by one person;
  4. purchase;
  5. loss and finding;
  6. Charity ads.
  7. Other users’ complaints about you or your writing;
  8. Placement the text and images associated with pornography, erotic, incitement ethnic hatred, etc. within the ad;
  9. A large number of syntactic and spelling errors;
  10. keywords prescription;
  11. Contact information placement in the ad that is prohibited by This includes not only phone numbers and e-mail, but also various online messengers. With the exception of the ads, which need to contain the contacts by law;
  12. links submitting to the websites;
  13. The popular companies’ logos or names speculation;
  14. The title font application without meaning. The exclamation marks and words use that are not related to the content of the advertisement;
  15. The logo or image processing in order to provide more interesting view;
  16. Application of the watermarks;
  17. The value placement in the headings;
  18. The false information posting;
  19. Lack of information;
  20. Photo of poor quality;
  21. Ads of transcendental nature(of occulted and esoteric services);
  22. Buying in the inappropriate sections;
  23. The ad is posted in the inappropriate category, or region;
  24. Links placement, including those that are already on;
  25. The sites advertising;
  26. Ads with the dubious offer to earn;
  27. Transliteration and foreign languages application.

Consider the following points: reserves the right to block the account\ads without explanation.

Moderators have the right to make correction of ads for errors; has the right to amend the rules and supplement them.

We remind you that the account / advertisement block occurs irrespective of whether you have used the paid services of the resource, or placed ads for free.