  • Moscow
  • 15 July 2016, номер: 17732

Dill seed

1 Р.



Select industry: Food industry feedstock 
Condition: New 
Additional Information: г. Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, д. 40, стр. 1 +7 (495) 363-16-82 8 (800) 100-15-16  
All the aerial parts of dill have a pleasant aroma, but young leaves are especially tender and tasty - they are added to soups, dairy dishes, including cottage cheese and butter, in shredded form; dress them with salads. Dill is an excellent aromatic seasoning for vegetable dishes, for example, boiled potatoes and beans, dumplings with potatoes mixed with feta cheese and dill, or omelet with dill are unusually tasty. It gives piquancy to meat and boiled fish. Fresh dill leaves are used in sauces, gravy, various mushroom dishes. Since the aroma of dill is very strong, it is usually not combined with other spices.
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