  • Moscow
  • 15 July 2016, номер: 17755

Potato flakes

1 Р.



Select industry: Food industry feedstock 
Condition: New 
Additional Information: г. Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, д. 40, стр. 1 +7 (495) 363-16-82 8 (800) 100-15-16 
Potato flakes are widely used in various sectors of the food industry, as a basis for the production of a number of products - mashed potatoes, chips, fried crisps. They are also used as an ingredient for sausages, sauces, baked goods. Potato flakes are used as a natural thickener in the production of concentrates and instant products. Using this product, you can improve the appearance of the final product, its taste, increase shelf life. For example, adding cereal to the dough for baking bread makes the bread itself looser, the product retains freshness longer, the taste becomes more pleasant. Similar results are obtained in the manufacture of sausages. This is due to the high absorption capacity of potato flakes. It is worth noting that in the production of cereals, taste qualities are practically not lost, products obtained from cereals (mashed potatoes, fried potatoes) retain excellent taste and appearance. But significantly reduced time for product preparation, storage costs and the cost of pre-processing.
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