  • Moscow
  • 11 June 2016, номер: 14555

Vacuum reactor

1 Р.



Select industry: Ketchups and mayonnaises 
Condition: New 
Additional Information: г. Москва, Ломоносовский проспект д.25 к.1 тел.: +7(495) 510-90-19, 780-72-98, 797-56-75  
Advantages of a vacuum reactor: reduction of temperature conditions and, as a result, preservation of many product properties in t. hours vitamin content. convenient loading in a vacuum container using vacuum, a reduction in cooking time by 3-4 times compared with other cooking equipment, a 2-fold increase in the shelf life of the finished product due to degassing (removal of air from the mixture), which is very important for most products, short working cycle, stable homogeneous product at the outlet of the vacuum container, absence of air inclusions in the product, minimal working areas, ease of maintenance, fast efficient cleaning. The vacuum reactor can be understaffed with any attachments, with the installation of heating, cooling, vacuum, injection, injection systems, etc. The vacuum reactor can be made of any high-quality stainless steel with any degree of surface treatment, degree of automation, protection and control over the processes also from other steels and materials. The vacuum reactor can be manufactured in stationary or mobile versions. The vacuum reactor has high performance, reliability and a long service life.
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