El Cid
  • Bratislava
  • 11 September 2018, номер: 32927

Steam frying pan Normit

Select industry: Meat industry 
Year of issue: 2018 
Condition: New 
Type: Electricity 
Tilting system: Yes 
Steam frying pan Normit allows you to fry foods with a thin layer in a small amount of vegetable or animal fat. Steam is supplied to the heating chamber from an external source. The pan is equipped with a special valve for supplying water, which will allow to cool the product after its heat treatment. The package includes a temperature controller. A characteristic feature of the steam cooker is the uniform heating of the entire surface, provided by the design of the heating steam jacket (quilted blanket), welded in parallel to the bottom of the bathtub, mounted on racks and bearings. Possibility of subsequent cooling with water equipped with a hand wheel of the slope angle.
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