• Хорсенс
  • 17 листопада 2015, номер: 3954

DSE4200 - Microwave Moisture Meter for balers

296 357 Р.

3 379$

3 220€

Суміжна галузь: Сільськогосподарська індустрія 
Габаритні розміри: Sensor: 8 cm x 14 cm 
Стан: Новий 
Додаткова інформація: In stock. Price of 3220 EUR is EXW from Denmark. Delivery time 2-14 work days. 
Optimise the baling with DSE4200!
- Increased profitability
- Full quality assurance
- Quality documentation
DSE4200 allows you to increase productivity by 15-20%, reduce the baling period and obtain full control with quality of bales - thereby increasing the profitability!
Moisture measurement in bales is carried out automatically, which reduces the time required for manual measurement. Setting the moisture limit in the screen settings activates the buil-in alarm function in case of exceeding the specified limit, which simplifies the monitoring.
DSE4200 provides the most reliable quality control in real time due to the microwave measurement accuracy of +/- 1%. All data can be stored on a USB drive for documentation.
Being based on contactless technology, DSE4200 is durable and requires no maintenance.
The operation principle of DSE4200 is based on a material's ability to absorb microwaves (dielectric permittivity). Water is characterised by an exceptionally high dielectric permittivity that can be used to determine its amount in mixture with other substances. The higher the moisture content, the more microwave energy is absorbed by the material, and consequently, the less energy is returned to the moisture sensor. An average moisture content in the material is calculated, as the microwaves pass through the whole bale. The reflected high-frequency field is registered and subjected to digital processing. As a result, the device accurately determines the moisture content in the material.
DSE4200 kit contains:
- 2 microwave sensors (for installation outside or inside the baling chamber)
- 1 display module (for installation in the tractor cabin)
- 1 proximity sensor
- a set of connection cables
- 2 mounting brackets (for mounting the microwave sensors)
- 1 USB unit
- user guide
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Датська компанія DSE Test Solutions A / S є провідним постачальником мікрохвильових вологомірів для ...
використання в сфері біо-енергетики та сільському господарстві. Мікрохвильова технологія DSE® є найефективнішим і точним методом визначення вологості в тюкована матеріалах як солома, сіно і енергетичні культури. Лінійка продуктів включає в себе моделі для: - Прес підбирач тюковий - підйомні крани - Конвеєрних установок
Хорсенс, Sverigesvej 19, 8700 Horsens
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