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Company "ECOLINE" is part of the Ecoline Group holding company, uniting many years of experience in the highest customer standards are developing small and large progressive companies. Individual approach to each client, the tradition and the ability to implement the most daring and innovative solutions, will enable our company to become the undisputed leader in the sales and service of the confectionery industry in Russia and CIS countries. Company &qu...
Food chain Group of Companies is a large Russian manufacturer of confectionery equipment on the market since 1999. During this time, Penza Food products have gained great popularity among large confectionery factories, which are known throughout Russia, the CIS and neighboring countries, as well as among small companies. We offer a wide range of confectionery equipment: machines for glazing and decorating confectionery, as well as their cooling, for the productio...
ConfectionerHouse is a manufacturer of confectionery equipment. We produce: confectionery lines, tunnel ovens, molding machines, chocolate enrobing machines and syrup, dough mixers, conveyors forced cooling, spiral conveyors, marmalade / candy machines, boilers and heat cooking containers, conveyors and conveyors. We carry out all types of design work, equipping enterprises with basic, auxiliary and packaging equipment, installation and commissioning of equipment...