  • Moscow
  • 9 June 2016, номер: 14425

Vacuum evaporator T 230 for the production of pasta, ketchups ...

1 Р.



Select industry: Ketchups and mayonnaises 
Condition: New 
Additional Information: +7 (495) 972-8663 
Productivity: 300 т\сутки 
Dimensions: 9500 4400 12700 
The plant is intended both for the concentration of tomato juice in tomato puree and for the production of other fruit and vegetable concentrates. These units are produced with a double and triple effect, and are distinguished by a high evaporation process speed, forced circulation, energy saving, high quality of the finished product, and preservation of the organoleptic qualities characteristic of the original product. Forced product circulation is carried out by high-performance pumps for viscous products developed by our company. The high speed of passage of the product in the evaporator and the low temperature of the vapor during evaporation guarantee a high quality product, eliminates its burning and ensures long-term operation of the installation without stopping for washing. The installation operates in automatic mode, with the ability to control the following parameters: - steam pressure in the first stage; - product level in the separator; - concentration of the finished product. All parts and units of the installation that are in contact with the product are made of high quality stainless steel, polished in a high class, which ensures the quality and long-term operation of the installation without washing. The installation case, together with the separators and the barometric capacitor, are mounted on the site, providing convenient access for monitoring the work and for its maintenance.
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