
In order to seed tilled crops, you should find the right equipment, and a pneumatic seeder occupies a special place among all equipment. This device delivers the seeds under positive pressure or uses a pneumatic technology. It is a perfect match for processing large areas and can be connected to powerful modern tractors, as well as the machines of domestic production.

The operation principle of circular pneumatic seeders

Many people want to buy a pneumatic seeder, because this technology allows to uniformly distribute the most part of the seeds. Moreover, the pneumatic equipment is the most convenient one in separating irregularly shaped seeds, including: Pneumatic Seeder

  • Melons;
  • Cucumbers;
  • Zucchinis.

That is why pneumatic seeders are most often positioned as vegetable seeders, however, they also distribute rounded seeds with 100% accuracy.

Pneumatic seeders perfectly select the desired amount of seeds, though not always observe the sowing interval, which should be taken into account. The average distance of a standard pneumatic grain seeder is perfect, but, in fact, the interval may vary.

Vertical discs with specialized holes distribute the seeds. Then a specialized fan, located near the loading tray creates vacuum. When the disc comes through the tray, it grasps some amount seeds, which are then absorbed through smaller holes. The disc continues to rotate and pneumatic grain seeders throw seeds away when they pass by the pipe. When you choosing the right diameter of holes and adjust the selector mechanism, you can plant the appropriate amount of seeds.

The equipment can be used at farms of different sizes, most importantly, when you buy a precision pneumatic seeder, choose the suitable grasp width. Large farms may use carrier hitches. The dosing of seeding standards is controlled from several kilograms to 500 kg/ha. If necessary, you can always increase the hopper capacity, using various nozzles.

Buy a pneumatic seeder on Foodbay

The trading platform provides the opportunity to choose a suitable pneumatic seeder from a wide range of products that are presented here. The catalogue contains equipment for seeding beans and grain crops, beets, cucumbers and many other vegetables. The website presents both new and used models. Anyone who wishes can sell one’s own equipment here simply by placing the corresponding advertisement.