The breakdown
  • Zernograd
  • 22 October 2019, номер: 40784

Sunflower seeds grade Azovsky, Clever, Cossack, Vniimk100, hybrid Mercury.

Select industry: Agricultural industry 
Condition: New 
Additional Information: В наличии, самовывоз, предоплата 
The company LLC AgroAstra sells seed material. Azov variety: A distinctive feature of the variety is its large-fruited (weight of 1000 seeds 90-110 g). Variety Azov highly productive (25-35 kg / ha), high oil (49-52%). Variety Azov is included in the State register of selection achievements. Clever man: Early ripe high-oil grade of sunflower Clever man - a novelty of 2014. It is characterized by high cold resistance and excellent resistance to stressful conditions. The growing season is 84-86 days. Seed productivity 3, 6 t / ha. Cossack: Mass of 1000 seeds 80 95 g. The variety along the length of the growing season belongs to the group of early ripening. The period from seedlings to economic ripeness in the conditions of the Rostov region is 85-87 days. The potential productivity of the Cossack variety is 25-33 kg / ha. Vniimk100: A new precocious variety of sunflower Vniimk 100 is included in the State Register of Selection Achievements. Recommended for cultivation in all areas of sunflower cultivation in the Russian Federation. Seed productivity 3, 43 t / ha. The growing season is 76 days. Mercury Hybrid: The early ripe high-yielding oil hybrid Mercury is adapted for cultivation in various soil and climatic zones. The hybrid is capable of providing seed yields of up to 4.5 t / ha. The mass of 1000 seeds is 98, 1 g. The price of Mercury is 270 rubles / kg. Note: bags of 25 and 30 kg are not VAT.
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Михаил Николаевич
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