  • Voronezh
  • 15 December 2016, номер: 25524

Beet pulp (granules)

7 200 Р.



Select industry: Agricultural industry 
Condition: New 
Additional Information: ООО «АНТАРЕС» Адрес: ул. Солнечная 31"А" оф. 404, Воронеж. E-mail: antaresvrn@mail.ru 
Price: 7200.00 rub / t Beet pulp (beetroot) - extracted beetroot, beet sugar industry waste. They use livestock for food in fresh, dried (briquettes and in bulk) and silo (sour pulp) form. Dry pulp is a highly concentrated livestock feed. Its nutritional value is 12–13 times higher than that of fresh, at the same time, its weight is reduced by 12–13 times, making it more transportable. By the number of feed units, dry beet pulp is almost equal to oats, i.e. 2 times more nutritious than hay and three times more than oat straw. Dried pulp, protected from direct ingress of water into it, can be stored without loss of feed properties for an unlimited time.
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