
In order to optimize processes in agriculture, it is worth buying a fork loader. This equipment can lift and move different loads at farms, warehouses or in the fields. The main operating component is fork that can be replaced with other auxiliary equipment. These machines have a simple design and do not require special maintenance, which makes them irreplaceable.

What are the distinctive features of fork warehouse loaders? Fork and Mast Loaders

Before you buy a suitable fork loader, you need to learn their classification. They are divided into following groups according to the drive type:

  • Electric;
  • Diesel;
  • Petrol;
  • Gas.

The most popular are considered to be fuel-powered specialized machines, however, such fork loaders can be used outdoors or in rooms with good ventilation, since they emit a lot of exhaust gases. The price of this kind of fork loaders is much lower than that of electrical devices, but they are noisier. It is better to choose battery-powered equipment for spaces with poor ventilation (for example, agricultural warehouses). It is distinguished by quietness and simplicity.

The important things are considered to be bearing capacity of the equipment and lifting height of the cargo. It is worth noting that new and used models of fork loaders do not differ in the degree of bearing capacity, because it does not decrease over time. They can raise:

  1. 1-4 tons and have a small bearing capacity;
  2. 4-10 tons, with a medium bearing capacity;
  3. 10-16 tons, with an upper medium bearing capacity;
  4. More than 16 tons, with a high bearing capacity.

Forks or other mounted devices can be attached to the specialized mast. When you are choosing a new or used mast fork loader, you need to take it into account that it can be two-section, three-section or carriage-type. A special attention should be also paid to the road for specialized machines to ride on. If the device will work in the field, then it should have pneumatic tyres with good shock absorbing.

Many new fork loaders are additionally equipped with solid-cast tyres that prevent the damage to pneumatic ones. The latter serve much longer, however, do not have any shock-absorbing properties.

Where to find used and new fork loaders?

Foodbay offers many different models of new and used loading machines from well-known manufacturers. The web-portal presents the equipment with different specifications produced by JCB, Manitou, Foton Lovol, as well as other manufacturers. For an easier choice you can examine the catalogue of a specific brand producing fork loaders.