St. Petersburg
  • St. Petersburg
  • 4 September 2017, номер: 29013

Modular Pizza Ovens

Select industry: Bread-making and confectionary equipment 
Condition: New 
Additional Information: Пицца-печи шведского производства PizzaMaster помогут Вам достичь самого высокого результата при приготовлении настоящей итальянской пиццы. Благодаря огнеупорному камню и высокой температуре в печи тесто у пиццы получается хрустящим, а начинка остается сочной!  
Type: Not chosen 
Temperature, max: 500 °C
An oven for baking any kind of pizza (Italian, American, pan-pizza, pizza with a thick or thin base and deep pan-pizza). Comes with an open stand and shelf (depending on model). The furnace body is made of stainless steel. Features: refractory stone; cameras are made of stainless steel. Pizza capacity in the oven: 90 x Ø254 mm, 40 x Ø355 mm, 30 x Ø406 mm, 30 x Ø457 mm (also depending on model)
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MBR ENGINEERING LLC is a multidisciplinary company, an expert in the field of professional commercia...
l and technological equipment, specializing in the complex equipment of trade facilities, catering establishments, hotel complexes, factory kitchens, restaurants, bars, cafes, canteens, bakeries, and supplies of any kitchen technological and confectionery equipment from leading European companies, the design of catering facilities. We have been successfully operating in the market of professional equipment for trade and public catering enterprises since 1996.
St. Petersburg, набережная обводного канала 21А
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