St. Petersburg
  • St. Petersburg
  • 20 December 2016, номер: 25827

20 liter fermentation tank

Select industry: Alcoholic and nonalcoholic industry 
Condition: New 
Additional Information: 8 (800) 775 56 87, 8 (499) 403 10 66 8 (812) 424 34 66, 8 (499) 703 43 95 Розничный отдел: Корпоративный отдел: Отдел возврата: Доставка в регионы:  
If it is necessary to make beer, wine or stronger alcoholic drinks at home, then it is necessary to equip your production with the necessary devices and containers, in particular a container for fermentation and temporary storage of drinks. The best option is to use for such purposes light, convenient and safe containers made of polypropylene. A 20-liter fermentation tank is suitable for beginner winemakers and brewers, as well as for those who make alcoholic beverages in small batches. Polypropylene is a plastic that can freely come into contact with food without interacting with its components. The fermentation tank is equipped with a metal handle with a plastic insert and a sealed plastic lid. This tank is lightweight; it is easy to clean. If several containers must be used for the fermentation of the wort, at the end of the process they can be stored by placing them in each other, in order to save the occupied space.
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