• Odessa
  • 21 December 2016, номер: 25966

Organic fertilizer "Good host for seeds"

52 Р.



Select industry: Agricultural industry 
Condition: New 
Additional Information: ООО "Защита-Агро" завод 67613 Одесская область, Беляевский район, Васильевка, Гагарина, 2 ООО "Защита-Агро" завод 20355 Черкасская обл, Уманский район, Оксанина, Кирова, 74 з E-mail: office@zahyst-agro.com.ua Отдел продаж: sales@zahyst-agro.com.ua 
"Good host for seeds" is a biological dressing agent for processing seed material. Ingredients: algae extract, alginic acid, organic extracts, potassium oxide, phosphorus oxide, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, natural hormones, vitamins, amino acids, betaine, mannitol, bacteria Pseudomonas aureofaciens. Principle of action: the drug eliminates such problems as seed mold, smut, septoria, ascochitosis, awakens the seeds, accelerating their germination, stimulates the development of the root system. Due to the balanced composition, the greatest effect of stimulation of germination and germination is achieved - seedlings are friendly, the root system almost doubles, the sprouts are strong and grow faster. Method of application: spray the seeds with a spray gun, sow or germinate after 24 hours.
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