Nizhny Novgorod Region

The hands of personnel working in meat processing industry in contact with food must meet sanitary standards. In addition to a thorough manicure, frequent hand washing is required: before and during the work, if and when impurities appear. To ensure maximum sanitation, you should buy a hand dryer and other necessary devices.

Why hand washers are necessary at a production unit

Sanitary and hygienic equipment is an important part of meat-processing departments. According to sanitary standards, hygienic treatment of employees’ hands is carried out quite often. Namely, at the beginning of the shift, after breaks and after the change of the kind of activity. In order to ensure high-quality of hands washing at a production unit, specialized devices are produced.

Hand Dryer

This category of equipment includes the following sanitary installations:

  • Touch-sensitive hand washers;
  • disinfection devices;
  • automatic sterilizers;
  • sinks with dispensers and towel holders;
  • paper towel dispensers.

The use of hand dryers is more profitable economically than using towels. First, the use of this device does not require disposal. Second, according to calculations, the cost of a paper towel is equal to the cost of servicing 18 people by a drying device.

Hand disinfection at a food production unit is carried out by special agents. They are loaded into a dispenser that distributes the solution over the hands. Its work is coordinated with the touch sensor that ensures saving of disinfectants. Spraying occurs as soon as an employee brings his/her hands close to the device.

A hand washer is a very convenient device equipped with water pipes, a faucet, a dispenser and other necessary devices. It carries out a full range of sanitary treatment of personnel’s hands.

Where to buy dryers and other equipment for treatment of hands

The Foodbay web site sells the equipment for meat-processing industry. It also presents the devices for disinfection, washing and drying hands at a food production unit. Visitors are offered to view the information about manufacturers, products, prices. Ordering of the product of interest is performed through a special form. You can contact the author of the advertisement by the telephone.