  • Moscow
  • 30 August 2015, номер: 2172

Heat Shrink Tunnel Audionpack TE-MATIC 18

Select industry: Packaging equipment 
Condition: New 
Type of film: 1310х875х1440 
A heat tunnel for shrinkage is used in various industries. Equipment of this type is widely used for working with food products. These are semi-finished products, bakery and confectionery, chicken eggs in a cardboard container, drinks. Packaging of commodity units can be carried out both individually and in groups. Among the industrial goods that the apparatus can pack include: souvenir products, stationery, gift printing, CDs and DVDs.
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VEMATA company specializes in equipment for packaging, labeling, product quality control. Technical ...
specialists are trained by manufacturers. Full stock of spare parts, warranty, launch.
Moscow, Россия, 105523, г. Москва, Щелковское ш., д. 100, корп. 7, оф. 106
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