  • Moscow
  • 7 February 2016, номер: 6982

Water-filled rollers KVNP

999 999 999 Р.

9 776 021$

9 515 716€

Select industry: Agricultural industry 
Condition: New 
The water-filled trailer roller KVNP is designed to destroy the soil crust, soil rolling, compaction to a depth of 7 cm to 10 cm of the subsurface soil layer. After rolling, the field surface is covered with a mulched layer of soil, which contributes to the preservation of moisture. Post-sowing rolling is a necessary operation for moisture retention and ensuring contact of seeds with soil. Such contact creates favorable conditions for earlier and more friendly germination of seeds, which is essential in increasing the yield when sowing in arid and damaged by wind erosion areas. The skating rink is intended for use in all soil and climatic zones, except for mountain farming. working widths of 6, 10 and 14 m. The working bodies of the ice rink are water-filled rollers. The roller is aggregated with tractors of class 1.4 ... .2.0. Products with which the roller interacts regatiruetsya with tractors of 1.4-2,0 (MTP-80 (82), MTP-1221, LTZ-60, LTZ-150, etc.).
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