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HPP systems are applied to exclude the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in food products. These are special installations applying high pressure to the products. This method allows you to preserve the attractive appearance of products, improving their quality. You can find similar devices of different configurations on the Foodbay web site.

Specifications of HPP systems HPP Systems

Striving to improve the consumer characteristics of their products, manufacturers increase the products’ competitiveness. Preservation of taste qualities of meat products and the extension of their shelf life are achieved by various methods. Preservatives may help in this case, but at the same time they can do harm to people’s health when used in large quantities. The way out of this situation is the application of HPP systems.

Positive aspects of the use of such installations are as follows:

  • Harmless increase in the shelf-life of products;
  • destruction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • preservation of the natural appearance and taste characteristics of products;
  • exclusion of the process of decay.

Manufacturers get high-quality products as the result of operation of HPP systems. At the same time the natural color, structure, taste characteristics of products are preserved.

In the course of work this equipment applies hydrostatic pressure to raw materials. Cell membranes of pathogenic microorganisms collapse under its influence. Thanks to this, the shelf life of products is increased without the use of harmful components.

How to buy HPP systems for meat industry

The Foodbay web site contains the information on such systems for meat production. Visitors can find offers on the sale of all kinds of equipment of all types and configurations. Everyone who wants is able to post a free advertisement on the sale of one’s goods or the purchase of the necessary device.