  • Moscow
  • 18 January 2018, номер: 30512

Plastic bucket washer

Select industry: Meat industry, Fish industry, Dairy industry 
Condition: New 
Water heating: Not chosen 
Presence of the drying module: Not chosen 
In a plastic bucket washing machine, everything happens by moving along the conveyor chain through the main washing compartment, where the buckets are treated with a washing solution of a given temperature under high pressure. For the food industry, our company supplies and installs equipment designed for washing various types of containers, including and buckets. For washing buckets, as a rule, universal washing machines are used. Universal washing machines provide washing buckets with the fulfillment of the requirements for them, using innovative and effective systems, such as a steam washing system and a direct spray detergent system, and are also able to cope with large volumes. impeccably clean and sanitary buckets. If you ordered the necessary equipment from us, then our specialists will carry out not only commissioning, but also train your staff to work on it. Buy a Russian-made plastic bucket washing machine from the company Favorit Meat Industry LLC, as our prices are relatively inexpensive and the equipment quality is high.
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