Moscow | Added: 8 January 2019, number: 34866
Select industry:
Meat industry
Designed for hand disinfection and disinfection of the soles of staff shoes. It consists of two independent passage zones - the entry zone and the exit zone. Entrance Zone: Shoe disinfection module. It is equipped with a bath with a disinfectant solution, manual filling, a bathtub with a drop-removable grill. Hand disinfection module. The disinfectant is supplied automatically when you bring your hands into the sensor response zone using an electric pump through 4 nozzles (two from the top and two from the bottom, to reduce processing time). Input Control Module. Sequential disinfection of hands and shoes is necessary to unlock the turnstile to enter the production area (workshop). The turnstile blocks the exit from the production area. Output Zone: Output Control Module. The photosensor is triggered, after which the turnstile is unlocked to exit the workshop. The turnstile blocks the entrance to the production area.