• Moscow
  • 20 December 2016, номер: 25838

Oak barrel “Export” for 10 l

Select industry: Alcoholic and nonalcoholic industry 
Condition: New 
Additional Information: 8 (800) 775 56 87, 8 (499) 403 10 66 8 (812) 424 34 66, 8 (499) 703 43 95 Розничный отдел: sale@russiansamogon.ru Корпоративный отдел: corporate@russiansamogon.ru Отдел возврата: return@@russiansamogon.ru Доставка в регионы: region@russiansamogon.ru  
Traditionally, wines and spirits are usually aged and stored in oak barrels. Indeed, oak wood is rich in extractive substances, among which tannins, which have a direct effect on the formation of organoleptic characteristics of these drinks, are saturated color, exquisite aroma and noble taste. The use of a 10-liter Export barrel made from selected medium-fired oak wood will also give alcoholic drinks a subtle hint of vanilla, almond or caramel. This product is made according to traditional technology from high quality materials - oak and stainless steel (hoops). The barrel has an aesthetic appearance, with its help you can transform the interior, it can also be presented to a connoisseur of winemaking or home brewing. The design provides for the presence of two holes - filler on the side and drain on the bottom. The export barrel kit includes the following components: • Massive wooden barrel stand with rounded ends; • Corks - 2 pcs. (to close the holes - drain and filler); • Oak crane for a drain hole; • Wax candle (to cover the surface of the barrel with wax - it allows to reduce the natural decrease - alcohol evaporation during improper storage of drinks). Such an oak barrel with proper operation will last a long time and will enrich alcoholic beverages.
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