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A good reputation is earned long enough, and you can lose it in one moment. That is why we professionally approach the issue of choosing equipment for pizzerias, restaurants, cafes, shops and bars. Indeed, the quality, assortment of served dishes and the level of the catering point itself, as well as its further development, depend on the right choice of kitchen equipment for the establishment. Therefore, the Food Academy company offers exclusively high-quality p...
Our company offers a huge range of equipment for beer: beer towers, beer coolers, hoses for beer lines, clamps, and refueling intake heads, kegs, tees, reducers CO2, taps and more. We provide a complete set of documents. We carry out installation, warranty and post-warranty service. We deliver throughout Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan. Payment by cashless and cash payments. We provide discounts for wholesale buyers, dealers, regular customers.
New and used equipment, spare parts, service for the food industry.
The holding company LLC TECHMASH FOOD INDUSTRY was established by a number of leading companies in the field of food equipment production in 2017. The company "Techmash" specializes in the development, serial production and supply of food equipment to meet the needs of manufacturers of products in the following sectors: Dairy, Meat, Confectionery, Bakery, Wine, Fish, Canning. The company LLC TechMash Food Industry also helps manufacturers in the sale of used equi...
Consumables for food equipment. Cutting tool. Inventory.
Equipment for frying bulk foods for food enterprises in Russia and the CIS
Group companies "Components and systems" was founded in 1994. We work throughout the CIS, supplying industrial process equipment from leading manufacturers: - pumps for all environments and applications; air compressors; - vacuum pumps and vacuum compressor device; - equipment for beneficiation of minerals; - equipment for baling, briquetting and granulation of powders; - filter-press; - centrifuge; crusher The main activities of the enterprise: - adv...
The group of companies "Olmag" since 2009 in the industrial market. The basic direction of activity is production and supply of magnetic systems on the basis of the magnets of the rare earth alloy Nd-Fe-B high magnetic characteristics, which have proven themselves. These magnetic systems have long been used in various industries. The purpose of the Group of companies "Olmag" long – term, mutually beneficial cooperation with its Partners and ensure maximum produ...
The company Clever Machines specializiruetsya on engineering, equipment supply and automation of technological processes for the food industry. Starting in 2009, Clever Machines has already sold more than 500 projects, including comprehensive design and equipping of factories. Service center Clever Machines supports every year more than 300 cars on the terms of the warranty and post-warranty service. Focusing primarily on the speed of resolution of the incident...
Завод сепараторов РОТОР - российский производитель промышленных молочных сепараторов. Основная специализация завода - проектирование и производство сепараторов сливкоотделителей, очистителей и бактофуг для молочной промышленности. Мы делаем сепараторы производительностью от 500 литров в час и выше, и делаем их качественно. Наши сепараторы используют в своем производстве сотни предприятий во всех уголках России, а также наши зарубежные заказчики из Колумбии ...
LAtech— инжиниринговая компания, специализируется на проектировании рыбопереработывающих цехов "с нуля" и "под ключ", рыбоперерабатывающих заводов, икорных цехов, установок по переработке рыбных отходов. Имеем многолетний опыт работы в рыбоперерабатываюшей отрасли. Мы предлагаем своим клиентам следующие решения : -решение по переработке рыбы и морепродуктов, от приемки и хранения сырья, переработки отходов и хранения готовой продукции; -проекты любой ...
ХЛЕБОПЕКАРНОЕ И КОНДИТЕРСКОЕ ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ ИЗ ТУРЦИИ !!! Компания «MONOFI», работающая на российском рынке уже 15 лет с гордостью предлагает хлебопекарное и кондитерское оборудование, кухонное оборудование для кафе и ресторанов с высокого качества по самым привлекательным ценам! Мы продаем современное и качественное оборудование по ценам производителя. Наши технические специалисты постоянно совершенствуют своё профессиональное мастерство. Мы обладаем во...
Наша компания поставляет на российский рынок весь спектр машин для мойки и сушки тары, а также санпропускники и оборудование для гигиены персонала ведущих европейских производителей, чье качество и надежность проверены временем - JEROS A/S (Дания), Elpress B.V. (Нидерланды), UNIKON B.V. (Нидерланды), HOONVED ALI group S.p.a. (Италия). Мы имеем огромный опыт работы по продаже, монтажу, пуско-наладке машин для мойки и сушки тары, производственного инвентаря и санп...
Продаем новое оборудование бренда МОЛМАШ: - для производства сыров; - для производства и хранения молока; - пищевые насосы и фильтры; - арматура и фитинги.
ООО САНОВО ТЕХНОЛОДЖИ ВОСТОК - компания, работающая на рынках России и СНГ с 2011 года и осуществляющая поставки, монтаж, гарантийное и постгарантийное обслуживание оборудования для сортировки, упаковки и глубокой переработки яиц от ведущего мирового производителя САНОВО ТЕХНОЛОДЖИ ГРУПП. В сферу нашей деятельности также входит дистрибуция ферментов для глубокой переработки яиц, автоматизация и роботизация процессов сортировки, упаковки и переработки.
Поставка оборудования для убоя скота, включая оглушение скота, обескровливание, распиловку туш, снятие шкуры, отделение конечностей и рогов, разделку на отруба, а также пневматические ножницы и секаторы, инструмент для вырезания проходника и многое другое.
We are a team of professionals who are always ready to help you. Managers of different departments and areas work as a single unit to achieve a common goal. We know all the subtleties and nuances of our work. The qualified work of managers and technical personnel has become a hallmark of our company.
KT - Koneteollisuus was founded in 1938. From generation to generation, the owners of the company pass on and highly appreciate the love of work, enterprise and the ability to achieve their goals. And an individual approach to the customer allows us to produce equipment that is highly efficient and reliable in operation.
STARFROST is one of the leaders in the global market for freezing systems for the food industry. From the very beginning of its activity to the present day, the company continues to maintain its status thanks to technical solutions that always meet the individual requirements of customers, and the use of advanced technologies.
TAVIL is a design and production association for the development of machines and integrated lines. Starting designing in the technical office with the support of three-dimensional modeling, work on the creation of machines continues on the mechanical site, where, based on experience and using corporate elements, high-quality equipment is created.
For over 50 years, Vemag Maschinenbau GmbH has been developing and manufacturing plants for automating the food forming section. The company founded in the post-war period focused on the development of vacuum syringes - continuous fillers. And has achieved excellent results in this direction. Design features of our equipment, patented components and parts distinguish VEMAG syringes from the equipment available on the market.
Vemag Anlagenbau GmbH is the largest company in the Vemag group of companies. Specializes in the production of thermal installations for food production. Particularly powerful smoke generator, uniform distribution of air flows, precise adjustment of all processes to ensure allow smoking of any product intensity for the shortest possible time with the lowest losses.
Haßheider-Edelstahltechnik Meyer & Behrens GmbH is a major leader in the production of sanitary-hygienic and washing equipment. As well As cooking molds for ham deboning lines and stainless steel equipment.
Company MATIMEX represents the world's leading manufacturers of equipment, aromatic additives, spices and consumables for the food industry in the CIS countries. For 20 years of successful work, our customers have become leading enterprises in the meat processing industry. The central office located in Austria (Vienna) unites the company's representative offices in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan into a single network, and a wide deal...
2013: Schaller Premium Functional mixtures that Schaller offers under its own new brand Schaller Premium products are of the highest category, eloquently demonstrating the company's philosophy. Schaller Premium products are aimed at customers for whom uncompromising quality and profit are most important. Our customers at a glance realize that by combining first-class ingredients and expert support, Schaller creates the best conditions for their success.