San Felys de las Lavanderas
  • Kursk
  • 7 February 2016, номер: 6981

Sprockets for Sleeve Roller Chains according to drawings, sketches, samples

Select industry: Agricultural industry 
Condition: New 
Specialists of Montazh-KAM LLC will manufacture custom-made Asterisks for sleeve-roller chains from one piece to serial lots. Limit parameters: diameter - 520 mm, chain pitch - 8.0 - 44.45 mm (except 38 and 38.1) .No drawings? You can order details from us according to your own sketch or sample. We understand the importance of quality work, accurate adherence to the specified dimensions in the manufacture of any products and offer a professional solution to your problems that will bring you undeniable benefits and will save your time and money without unnecessary efforts. ! Flexible Prices, reasonable terms and Quality of work performed - Guaranteed! Do not miss the opportunity to become the owner of reliable and high-quality products. Hurry to Place Your Order, and you will find in our m as a reliable partner.
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