  • Izhevsk
  • 13 September 2016, номер: 22444

Tanks, pasteurizers, tanks, boilers, milk pipelines, cattle equipment

1 Р.



Select industry: Meat industry, Dairy industry 
Condition: New 
- Tank coolers - Any stainless steel tanks - Pasteurizers - Recovery systems - Equipment for young cattle (milk taxi) - Milk pipelines - Manure removal systems - Weighing terminals (for cattle, tanks, cars) - Industrial water heaters - Stall equipment - Spare parts and accessories ( domestic and imported, in stock and on order) - any equipment and spare parts for your cattle farm. - you order equipment directly from the manufacturer; - the possibility of concluding a service contract; - it is possible to order equipment with changed overall dimensions. - flexible payment system.
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The Tankostroy plant has been successfully manufacturing equipment for dairy farms for more than 6 y...
ears. Many farmers and agricultural producers have become happy owners of our equipment in different parts of a large and vast country! List of products offered: - Milk cooler (from 300l to 15000l (ind. Volume)) - Pasteurizer (preserving the taste and properties of your milk) - Chiller (cooling "brine" - further heat extraction of the system) - Ice water generator (new word for soft cooling of your milk) - Thermos (from 300l to 15000l (ind. volume)) - Milk pipeline (On farms of a tethered, loose housing. Summer camp.) - Construction of turnkey farms - Highly skilled staff - Creative approach to a non-standard task - High quality work - Discounts with long-term honeycomb udnichestve Giving nice discount at the complex ordering products!
Izhevsk, Клубная 67А
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