  • Irkutsk
  • 13 November 2018, номер: 34077

Soybean meal

33 000 Р.



Condition: New 
Additional Information: Минимальная партия товара составляет 20 тонн. Условия оплаты 100 % предоплата.  
Protein - 50% Fat - 1.36% Moisture - 10% Fiber - 5.4% Ash - 0.54% The minimum consignment is 20 tons. We carry out automobile and railway deliveries. Shipping cost is considered separately. When concluding long-term contracts and when buying large volumes, discounts are possible. The company "Advance Plus" offers products to enterprises aimed at the effective achievement of goals in production, as well as the stability of the quality of purchased products. Our priority is long-term cooperation on mutually beneficial financial conditions, a personal approach to customers. Becoming our business partner, you will in fact make sure that the interests of the client are of priority importance for us, and working with us is reliable and beneficial in all respects.
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