What is to be done in case of the account is disabled due to "Ads republication"?

Blocking occurs because of a large number of ads placement of the same contents. Foodbay.com resource strictly prohibits republication of the existing text. The republication just complicates the process of the services / goods selling, besides, the search takes more time for the client.

Follow these guidelines:

  • Never duplicate the already posted ad;
  • Do not cancel the ad, and, then, place it again, until the allotted time runs out on placement;
  • Do not place the text in different categories;
  • Avoid the repetition of the heading, images and text when placing the ads.

To your proposal is often viewed, Use function «bump the ad up» to increase the number of views. This will raise it to the top, where it will be easier to be found by a potential customer.