  • Genoa
  • 3 October 2016, номер: 23372

Wood-burning pizza oven MORELLO FORNI PAX100

1 Р.



Select industry: Bread-making and confectionary equipment 
Condition: New 
Additional Information: Tel. +39 010 7401194 Fax +39 010 7492194  
Dimensions (WxDxH) max, mm: Длина: 1200 мм Ширина: 1200 мм Высота: 650 мм Объем: 0,936 м³ 
A collapsible wood-fired pizza oven with a hearth dimension of 100 cm. Consists of: A base made of refractory stone, lying on top of a metal supporting structure. A monolithic dome made of refractory material is located in a metal supporting structure. The furnace is made of flame retardant vibropressed material with a high content of aluminum oxide. The monolithic dome is made of refractory vibropressed material. The dome is convenient to transport and install. When flipping sideways, the dome passes through a 60 cm wide doorway. In addition, you can purchase: a metal stand, a box for firewood, a thermometer, a stainless steel front shelf, gas burners.
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