  • Moscow
  • 7 August 2018, номер: 32599

Brewery for 18 tons per month

100 000 Р.

1 082$


Select industry: Alcoholic and nonalcoholic industry 
Year of issue: 2003 
Condition: Used 
Additional Information: Варочник на 2,4 тн, 4 чана для брожения, 9 чанов для дображивания, все по 2 тн. Льдогенератор, два чилера, теплообменник. 
Voltage: 220 V
Rated power: 60 kW
Hopper content: 2000 l
An operating brewery for 18 tons of beer per month is leased, there is a separate warehouse for kegs and a refrigerator. Behind the wall is a beer bar with 60 seats. Objects are leased with option to purchase. Premises in the property.
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Григорий Иванович
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