  • Chicago
  • 17 August 2016, номер: 20542

Massager Cozzini CMB (1400 kg)

1 Р.



Select industry: Meat industry 
Condition: New 
Rated power: 8 kW
Productivity, max: 1400 kg/h
Dimensions: 3556 x 1778 x 3531 (с открытой крышкой) 
The Cozzini CMB massager (1400 kg) is designed to work with a full load for many years of operation. These are extremely economical and easy-to-maintain machines - in their design there are only a few parts subject to wear. Cozzini mixers / mixers are used all over the world to perform a variety of mixing operations, such as pre-mixing minced meat, processing minced meat, mixing ingredients for crushed grain products, spices, vegetable dishes, etc. In cases where precise temperature control is required, the mixers can be equipped with glycol cooling jackets or a CO2 injection system. CMB mixers / mixers guarantee high productivity as well as loading and unloading efficiency. All parts are made of stainless steel with a high-quality hygienic coating of surfaces. • Executions with a continuous or trellised cover. • Allen-Bradley standard or fully programmable control system. • Optional stirrers - paddle (standard or with overlapping vanes) or belt type. When using stirrers with overlapping vanes, lower discharge is required. • Payload from 45 to 6800 kg. • Installation approved by USDA and CE approved, its design complies with AMI sanitary design standards.
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Thanks to the widest range of equipment for grinding, mixing, emulsifying, loading, unloading and sl...
icing, the equipment of the American brand Cozzini is the industry standard for quality and a guarantee of high productivity for many years of operation. Based on many years of work in the food industry and an extensive technical information bank, Cozzini offers its experience and know-how to develop innovative technological processes for your production and create new finished products.
Chicago, 4300 West Bryn Mawr Ave Chicago, IL 60646 USA
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Американская фирма Cozzini занимает лидирующие позиции в мясоперерабатывающей отр...

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