  • Cheboksary
  • 19 August 2016, номер: 20913

Cooking copper of Abat KPEM-250-O

1 Р.



Select industry: Meat industry 
Voltage: 400 V
Rated power: 27.2 kW
Condition: New 
Dimensions: 1510х1057х1370 
Weight: 305 kg
Volume: 250 l
Tilting system: Yes 
Available mixers: No 
Tilting boiler with automatic drive KPEM-250-O is designed for cooking broths, soups, sauces, creams, cereals, as well as for boiling water in small and medium-sized catering and food industries.
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Chuvashtorgtekhnika OJSC under the Abat brand has been successfully operating in the market of trade...
and technological equipment for more than 55 years, rightfully occupying a leading position in this segment. The accumulated experience of service has allowed us to design and create a whole gamut of heating equipment for catering.
Cheboksary, ОАО "Чувашторгтехника" Базовый проезд, 28 Чебоксары 428020 Россия
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“Chuvashtorgtechnika” JSC - Russian enterprise manufacturing industri...

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