XiaoJin Machinery

Chinese brand XiaoJin Machinery was founded in 1986. Meat processing equipment is one of the important arias of the company. Today, at its base there is its own technical department and 3 workshops. The company's office is located in Shijiazhuang. Thanks to the efforts of employees the company has become well-known and popular in many countries around the world.

Equipment of XiaoJin Machinery

The machines for the meat processing industry must meet health and safety standards. Therefore, the company pays special attention to the materials the machines are made of. Parts having contact with the product, have anti-corrosion properties.

XiaoJin Machinery offers the following equipment:

  • Thermal cameras with a possibility to choose product processing;
  • syringes, accelerating the process of stuffing casings with minced meat;
  • frozen meat cutters, slicers, cutting meat at a high speed;
  • cutters, grinding meat, preserving its characteristics;
  • vacuum massagers, distribute the brine on the surface of the meat, making it more flexible;
  • dough and minced meat mixers which form a homogeneous mass of the added ingredients;
  • injectors, ensuring uniform saturation of meat with brine;
  • other equipment.


Such machines help to produce high-quality competitive product. Saturation of meat with brine using modern injectors makes it tastier. Minimized waste in the production is an important aspect of profit. Injecting meat and further processing can help in solving this issue. But we can not forget about the appearance of the products. Therefore, after the injecting, it must undergo the action of tumblers.

Purchase of the XiaoJin Machinery equipment

It is not difficult to find the desired product of this Chinese brand, all you need is to contact the author of the ad or the brand representative in your country. bulletin board presents a wide range of machines of manufacturers from different countries. Here you can find information about the necessary equipment and buy it.